Syllabi and Teaching Materials by AANIR Members
Syllabi and materials are listed alphabetically by first author's last name. Want to add your syllabus or materials to the list? Contact [email protected].
- Guzmán, Jennifer R., Medeiros, Melanie A., and Faulkner, Gwendolyn. (2020) Teaching Im/migration Through an Ethnographic Portrait Project. Teaching and Learning Anthropology.
- Hansen, Tobin. (2020) HC1010: Introduction to the Liberal Arts: The U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. University of Oregon.
- Hansen, Tobin. (2020) HC231: Social Science Inquiry: Deportation from the United States. University of Oregon.
- Hansen, Tobin. (2021) HC232: Social Science Inquiry: Policing Masculinities. University of Oregon.
- Heyman, Josiah. (2020) LABS5301 Issues in Border Studies. University of Texas, El Paso.
- Nuñez-Janes, Mariela (2023) Bilingual Homework Hotline
- Stephen, Lynn. (2020) ANTH329: U.S. Immigration and Farmworkers. University of Oregon.