Resources for K-12 Educators
These materials are a mix of those created by AANIR members and others.
- Treating Toxic Stress in Immigrant Children (Garcia 2018)
- Proximity and Policy: Negotiating Safe Spaces Between Immigration Policy and School Practice (Crawford and Fishman-Weaver 2015)
- Discouraging Partnerships? Teachers’ Perspectives on Immigration-related Barriers to Family-school Collaboration (Soutullo et. al 2016)
- Immigrant Students in the Trump Era: What We Know and Do Not Know (Nguyen and Kebede 2017)
- Living in an Immigrant Family in America: How Fear and Toxic Stress are Affecting Daily Life, Well-Being, & Health (Artiga and Ubri 2017)
- The Ethic of Community and Incorporating Undocumented Immigrant Concerns Into Ethical School Leadership (Crawford 2017)
- Exploring the Meaning and Paths of Advocacy for Undocumented Students’ Access to Education (Crawford and Arnold 2016)
- Proximity and Policy: Negotiating Safe Spaces Between Immigration Policy and School Practice (Crawford and Fishman-Weaver 2015)
- Positive Parenting, Family Cohesion, and Child Social Competence Among Immigrant Latino Families (Leidy, Guerra, and Toro 2010)
- The Principal and the PEA (Parent Education Association) (Guillaume, Osanloo, and Kew 2019)
- U.S. Immigration Enforcement Policy and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning in the Nation’s Schools (Gándara and Ee 2018)
- With uncertainty surrounding DACA, and anti-immigrant rhetoric on the rise, what should educators do? (Suarez-Orozco, Suarez-Orozco, and Strom n.d.)
- “Diles la Verdad”: Deportation Policies, Politicized Funds of Knowledge, and Schooling in Middle Childhood (Gallo and Link 2015)