Articles and Chapters Written by AANIR Members
Articles are listed alphabetically by first author's last name. Want to add your article or chapter to the list? Contact [email protected].
- Aranda, Elizabeth, Vaquero, Elizabeth, Castañeda, Heide, and Girsea Martinez Rosas. 2023. Undocumented Again? DACA Rescission, Emotions, and Incorporation Outcomes among Young Adults. Social Forces 101, no. 3: 1321–1342.
- Baiocchi, Maria Lis. 2021. The Essential Activism of Migrant Women Household Workers’ Rights Advocates. Exertions.
- Baiocchi, Maria Lis. 2019. Book Review: Gender, Migration, and the Work of Care: A Multi-scalar Approach to the Pacific Rim Edited by Sonya Michel and Ito Peng. Gender & Society 33, no. 1: 50–152.
- Carney, Megan A. and Leegan C. Krause. 2020. Immigration/ migration and Healthy Publics: The Threat of Food Insecurity. Palgrave Communications 6, no. 93.
- Castañeda, Heide, Escue, Melanie, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2023. "A Lot of People There were Undocumented, or at Least Looked Like Me”: Illegality, Visibility, and Vulnerability among Immigrant Young Adults in Florida. Journal of Cultural Geography 40, no. 2: 118-142. 10.1080/08873631.2023.2214028
- Duncan, Whitney and Lupita Vazquez. 2023. ‘I don't feel that we are a burden’: Latinx immigrants and deservingness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Science and Medicine 333.
- Galemba, Rebecca. 2021. They steal our work”: Wage Theft and the Criminalization of Immigrant Day Laborers in Colorado, USA. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 27, no. 1: 91-112.
- Galemba, Rebecca and Randall Kuhn. 2021. “No Place for Old Men”: Immigrant Duration, Wage Theft, and Economic Mobility among Day Laborers in Denver, Colorado. International Migration Review 55, no. 4: 1201-1230.
- Galemba, Rebecca, Dingeman, Katie, and Kaelyn DeVries. 2021. Gateway to the North? Contingent Journeys at the Mexico-Guatemala Border. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 26: 25-45.
- Getrich, Christina M., Ortez-Rivera, Ana, Umanzor Delmis, and Alaska Burdette. 2023. "Manoeuvering through the Multilayered Jurisdictional Policy Patchwork: DACA Recipients' Navigational Capital in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Region." Ethnic and Racial Studies 46, no. 1:141-165.
- Getrich, Christina M., Umanzor, Delmis, Burdette, Alaska, and Ana Ortez-Rivera. 2023. "DACA Recipient Health Care Workers' Barriers to Professionalization and Deployment of Navigational Capital in Pursuit of Health Equity for Immigrants." Immigrant and Minority Health.
- Gill Araujo, Sandra, Rosas, Carolina, and María Lis Baiocchi. 2023. Deportabilidad, Género y Violencia Lega: Una Revisión Bibliográfica Sobre Deportaciones y Políticas Antitrata. Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacional 133: 17-39.
- Haas, Bridget M. 2021. "Asylum is the Most Powerful Medicine": Navigating Therapeutic Interventions in Limbo. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 45, no. 2:193-217.
- Heiman, Daniel and Mariela Nuñez-Janes. 2021. “’Research Shows that I am Here for Them: Acompañamiento as Language Policy Activism in Times TWBE Gentrification.” Language Policy 20, no. 3:491-515
- Horton, Sarah B. 2021. “On Pandemic Privilege: Reflections on a ‘Home-Bound’ Pandemic Ethnography.” Journal of the Anthropology of North America 24, no. 2:98-107.
- Horton, Sarah B. 2022. “Praying for More Time: Mexican Immigrants’ Pandemic Eldercare Dilemmas.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 36, no. 4: 497-514.
- Lopez, William D., and Heide Castañeda. 2022. The Mixed-Status Community as Analytic Framework to Understand the Impacts of Immigration Enforcement on Health. Social Science and Medicine. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115180
- Lucas, William A., Castañeda, Heide and Milena A. Melo. 2023. The Lingering Ache: Temporalities of Oral Health Suffering in United States-Mexico Border Communities. Human Organization 82, no. 2: 131–141.
- Pedraza, Alejandra and Kristin E. Yarris. 2023. Compounded Caregiving: Mexican Women in Migrant-Sending Families During Covid-19. Medical Anthropology 42, no. 3: 278-294. 10.1080/01459740.2023.2181800
- Phillips, James. 2018. "Expert Witnessing in Honduran Asylum Cases: What Difference Can Twenty years Make?" In, Special Issue: Cultural Expert Witnessing, edited by Leila Rodriguez. Pp. 11-48. Special Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, Volume 74. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
- Phillips, James. 2022. "Introduction: Changes and Challenges in Expert Witnessing," Special Section: Expert Witnessing in Asylum Cases, ed. M. Gabriela Torres and James Phillips. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46, no. 1: 64-66.
- Vaquera, Elizabeth, Castañeda, Heide, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2022. Legal and Ethnoracial Consciousness: Perceptions of Immigrant Media Narratives Among the Latino Undocumented 1.5 Generation. American Behavioral Scientist 66, no. 12: 1606–1626.
- Wilson, Brenda K., Burnstan, Alexis, Calderon, Cristina, and Thomas K Csordas. 2023. “Letting die” by Design: Asylum Seekers’ Lived Experience of Postcolonial Necropolitics. Social Science and Medicine. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115714
- Wilson, Brenda K. 2023. “When there is no money, that is when I vomit blood”: the domino effect and the unfettered lethal exploitation of Black labor on Dominican sugar plantations. Global Health 19, no. 63.
- Yarris, Kristin E. 2021. Ice Offices and Immigration Courts: Accompaniment in Zones of Illegality. Human Organization 80, no. 3: 214-223.
- Yarris, Kristin Elizabeth. 2022. Narrative Testimony and Political Potentiality: Surviving Family Separation, Advocating for Migrants’ Rights and Well-Being. pp.173-190. In, Migration and Health: Challenging the Borders of Belonging, Care, and Policy. Nadia El-Shaarawi and Stéphanie Larchanché (Eds.) New York: Berghahn Books.
- Zavella, Patricia. 2022. "While You Are Struggling, You Are Healing’: Latinas Enact Poder through the Movement for Reproductive Justice." In Ethnographic Refusals, Unruly Latinidades, edited by Gina Perez, Alex Chavez, and Arlene Dávila, 1-24. Santa Fe and Albuquerque School for Advanced Research Press and University of New Mexico Press.